In this modern era designing and decorating the home is becoming people’s most favorite choice. Especially people want to design their kitchen as per their wish. By designing and decorating your home you can easily increase the resell value of your home.
In this article, we will discuss the basic and general design of the simple home. There will be the following rooms in a simple home;
- Hall
- Kitchen
- Dining room
- Bedroom
- Toilet
Hall is the main place of the home. Because people will spend most of the time in the hall only. When you are planning to design and decorate your hall you don’t need to go for the luxury thing which doesn’t suit your budget. By purchasing low price but good-looking things can make your hall very good.
There are some basic and important things like TV, Sofa, Showcase cupboard, etc. When you are fixing a showcase cupboard you can fix a readymade one that is available in the furniture showroom or if the showroom furniture didn’t satisfy your taste you can go for the customized furniture.
While choosing the sofa you have to consider the design, color, cloth, and size. It has to fit in the hall and it shouldn’t be disturbed in any way. You have to choose the sofa matching with your painting of the hall or you can choose the sofa then do your painting matching to the sofa. By fixing a good-looking TV will make the hall elegant.
Designing and decorating the kitchen is the most favorite thing for the peoples. One of the easiest ways to make the kitchen comfortable and good-looking is fixing correct kitchen electronic items like a refrigerator, microwave, mixer, grinder, gas stove, etc.
By doing a simple design like fixing kitchen cabinets, suitable walls, and floor tile, the painting will make the kitchen elegant. Kitchen cabinets are available in readymade or customized. Based on the choice and budget we can our decision. Fixing a wall and floor tile will give you an elegant look at your kitchen.
Dining room:
When we are designing the kitchen, we will always think about the dining room which is related to the kitchen. Fixing a good-looking dining table is the main important thing in the dining room. There is a ready-made dining table available in the furniture showroom or you can go for the customized dining table. While choosing the dining table mainly you have to think about the size of the dining table. It should fit and the room should be spacious after fixing the dining table.
A bedroom is a place where people want to stay in peace. So, it should be very comfortable all the time. Designing the walls by using decorated wall paints, wallpapers, and fixing elegant paintings will give you peace of mind.
By fixing modern sanitary wear like a Western closet, washbasin, shower, wall, and floor tile will make your toilet as good looking and spacious. While choosing your sanitary wear look into the size, color and while choosing the tile you have to look into the design, color which suits the sanitary wear.